Saturday, June 7, 2008

Operation Peace of the Galilee

מבצע שלום הגליל, or Mivtsa Shlom HaGalil

Israel became part of my consciousness, mostly because it's a regular fare in the prime-time news during my growing up years. This was more pronounced in June 1982 when Israel launched Operation Peace of the Galilee as a response to the assassination attempt against Israel's ambassador to the United Kingdom, Shlomo Argov, by one of the Palestinian Terror Organization.

Once more Israel is hogging the headlines this June as the war-rhetorics gets heated up between Israel and Iran.

From the Autobiography of Former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, we can have a glimpse of another fateful month of June for the beleaguered State.

That Friday, June 4, while I was visiting and talking in Bucharest, the Israeli cabinet met to decide what action should be taken in response to the shooting of Shlomo Argov... But the Argov shooting was merely the match that ignited the fuse. The real casus belli was the chain of terrorist attach(290 of them now) and the continuing buildup of long-range artillery in southern Lebanon - all of which had taken place during the eleven-month-long supposed cease-fire.

...At midday the cabinet approved the airstrikes unanimously. Shortly afterward the attacks were driven home against two military targets in the Beirut suburbs and nine others in the south. By five-thirty that afternoon, PLO artillery shells and rockets began to fall on the Galilee towns and villages. The terrorists had unambiguously declared their decision.

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