Now we wonder if they can pass the Flag and Emblem Regulations of Israel which constrains that it should be done as described in the proclamation about the flag of the State of Israel, and in the dimensions specified in it, or in other dimensions but in the same ratio which is 220 cm. long and 160 cm. wide. Obviously, the dimension of the flag mentioned does not fit in the ratio. Moreover, it is prohibited to hoist the flag on a pole unless the pole is approximately three times as high as the width of the flag. This literally is a tall order.
We hope that the organizers would seriously study the Israeli Flag Laws in order to save them from embarrassment of ending up as an oddity. Attempting to unfurl the world's largest flag is in itself commendable, but if it is done in violation of existing laws then the organizers must be ready to face penalties. They should be aware that they are being carefully monitored by some Government Agencies ever since it tried to make an illegal banner which combined the emblems of Israel and the Philippines. Several times we are asked if we are part of such activity, which they call "lunacy". We can only always deny association but the damage done to pro-Zionist groups is already there. Clearly, if there is no diligence and caution, best intentions would not suffice .

... Many religious fanatics and cranks of different mental derangement seemed drawn as by magnet to the Holy City. Each one coming to Eretz Israel with a particular idee fixe and spent their lives pursuing their obsessions. They were absorbed in their compelling goals with singular dedication and admirable piety. They usually harmed no one and often performed deeds of kindness with selflessness and generosity. (p. 254)
As Biblical Zionists, we have to be really mindful that we get across our best intentions without being labeled as another "Jerusalem Crank".
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